Monday, February 04, 2008

iclips is not about pruning - I think...

Google is a many splendoured thing. It keeps coming up with fantastic ways of finding out about "stuff". Take Google Trends for example. Actually take it as far away as you can. From what I can gather, although none of the following are lurking at the soggy end of the garden, a LOT of people nevertheless seem to be interested in:

1. iclips
2. shell kepler
3. deadheads for obama
4. bobby knight
5. fizzy fruit
6. zorb
8. welcome to the captain
9. where to vote

Yesterday it was Tom Petty, the Superbowl, and a whole 'nother list of petty things. Maybe tomorrow they'll all be searching for buxus sempervirens. I'm going back to the weeding.